Monday, September 14, 2009

Today, I decided to take a chance and put my inner thoughts, my clockwork, onto this simple blog. I highly doubt that anyone cares what I have to say. This will be like a venting system. A way to clear my head.
Today, Patrick Swayze passed away. I can imagine, wherever he is now, he is dancing. And, he is no longer in any sort of pain. My condolences to his family. Nobody puts Swayze in a corner.
I almost lost my phone today. It fell down inside the couch. INSIDE inside the couch. I cried. I will admit it, because sometimes I cry over the little things. After much straining, it was removed by my father, who apparently has smaller arms than I do.
WHICH reminds me. I will be keeping a log of how much weight I lose. I WILL be doing it the hard way. Good old fashion exercising, and eating healthier. I am not fat, per say, I just have a little extra baggage that I would like to get rid of.
It all started after school ended. I have this dress. My favorite dress. It has pockets. So, I went to put it on,(mind you, I hadn't worn in in about 2 months) and I couldn't even zip it up all the way. I cried. I want to tell you now, I hate crying in front of people, but I do it all the time when I'm alone. So, I went with the always safe a-line skirt. BUT, I swore to myself that I would fit into that dress again... I try it on about once a month. Just to see if maybe I'm a little bit closer. But tragidy strikes when I find I STILL cannot zip it up all the way. I am centimeters, nay, millimeters from getting it zipped.
This is a lot to be put into a blog, but I would like, once a month to feature a band. If you'd like one for me to listen to, go ahead and post it, and I'll give it a listen.
Well, this is it for me today.
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye and peace out.

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