Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today, I had to take my written test to receive my drivers licence. I know what you are thinking. She doesn't drive? Nope. No need. I didn't have a permanent job. But I do now, so I really need to get around without asking for rides. I decided to go to the DOL, knowing it closes at five. We left a little after four. I did not anticipate the traffic to be so terrible. It wasn't really traffic, just long red lights, and idiots on the road. We got to the DOL at four-thirty. I took a number and sat down. There weren't very many people there, but they were taking forever to get through the Que. As I looked around the room, I noticed a sign that said "Testing ends at 4:30." I was crazy! Crazy mad! I looked at my number which said 4:30, and thought, maybe, just maybe they might let me still take it. I was three numbers from being called. It took 15 min just to get to me. I got up there and asked if I could still take the test. The lady said "No, testing ends at 4:30. You are too late." So, I asked if I could renew my permit, and she replied, "Sure, that'll be $20." WHAT? WHERE DOES IT SAY IT COSTS $20 JUST TO RENEW A PERMIT? It already costs $20 just to take the written. I couldn't believe it. Quoting my friend Nelson, "I like how you don't find out about the costs until you're up there talking to someone." Seriously. I am not a rich person. AT ALL. Oh yeah, and I thought I was just going there to take the test, so I wore ZERO makeup. and after the whole schpeal, I had to get my picture taken. I get my hard copy in 30 days or less. Swell.

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