Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today, I had to take my written test to receive my drivers licence. I know what you are thinking. She doesn't drive? Nope. No need. I didn't have a permanent job. But I do now, so I really need to get around without asking for rides. I decided to go to the DOL, knowing it closes at five. We left a little after four. I did not anticipate the traffic to be so terrible. It wasn't really traffic, just long red lights, and idiots on the road. We got to the DOL at four-thirty. I took a number and sat down. There weren't very many people there, but they were taking forever to get through the Que. As I looked around the room, I noticed a sign that said "Testing ends at 4:30." I was crazy! Crazy mad! I looked at my number which said 4:30, and thought, maybe, just maybe they might let me still take it. I was three numbers from being called. It took 15 min just to get to me. I got up there and asked if I could still take the test. The lady said "No, testing ends at 4:30. You are too late." So, I asked if I could renew my permit, and she replied, "Sure, that'll be $20." WHAT? WHERE DOES IT SAY IT COSTS $20 JUST TO RENEW A PERMIT? It already costs $20 just to take the written. I couldn't believe it. Quoting my friend Nelson, "I like how you don't find out about the costs until you're up there talking to someone." Seriously. I am not a rich person. AT ALL. Oh yeah, and I thought I was just going there to take the test, so I wore ZERO makeup. and after the whole schpeal, I had to get my picture taken. I get my hard copy in 30 days or less. Swell.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Suger Cookies

Today, I woke up early. I was faced with the decision to eat, or workout. Ultimately, my stomach was the victor. I opened the fridge to find not enough milk for cereal, so I decided on leftover pizza from last night. I don't think my body appreciated the food I put into my stomach, for it soon punished me with killer heartburn.

I spent most of the day in my pajamas until I found it necessary to be clean. I went to the bank to change my account. I really don't like banks. I think they steal money wherever they can get it. The thing with banks, is right after you put money into the bank, it goes to somebody else. Like the movie, It's a Wonderful Life, with Jimmy Stewart. When the market crashed, he could not give the people the money, because it had gone to everyone else. But, I just got a new job, and decided to upgrade my account. They say free checking. The man I talked to today said "virtually" free checking, which I loved. At least he didn't try to lie to my face.

When I got home, my dad was making sugar cookies. I wanted to help, so I ate the dough. My brother was sitting at the table doing his homework, when we started to get in a playful argument. It ultimately ended in him pressed against the wall while I tried to get the whisk from his iron grasp. It was a battle of "you let go, no you let go!" And for a second, I felt like I was 10 years old. It took me that second to realize that I was the adult, and I was going to be the better person and... tell him that I am an adult and he should listen to me. At that point, he yanked the whisk from my hand while popping my arm. I was very, what's the word, LIVID. I then emptied the dishwasher to vent. My brother stormed outside to finish his homework. My dad just kept making sugar cookies. The mood was very dark. I just kept thinking, "If he were to die today, what would he remember, what would I remember?" I wanted to go out there and apologize, but my stupid pride would not let me sink low just to say sorry. I am very mad at myself for that. I went for a run to clear my head of the chaos. There were sugar cookies waiting when I got back, and it made me smile.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Today, I decided to take a chance and put my inner thoughts, my clockwork, onto this simple blog. I highly doubt that anyone cares what I have to say. This will be like a venting system. A way to clear my head.
Today, Patrick Swayze passed away. I can imagine, wherever he is now, he is dancing. And, he is no longer in any sort of pain. My condolences to his family. Nobody puts Swayze in a corner.
I almost lost my phone today. It fell down inside the couch. INSIDE inside the couch. I cried. I will admit it, because sometimes I cry over the little things. After much straining, it was removed by my father, who apparently has smaller arms than I do.
WHICH reminds me. I will be keeping a log of how much weight I lose. I WILL be doing it the hard way. Good old fashion exercising, and eating healthier. I am not fat, per say, I just have a little extra baggage that I would like to get rid of.
It all started after school ended. I have this dress. My favorite dress. It has pockets. So, I went to put it on,(mind you, I hadn't worn in in about 2 months) and I couldn't even zip it up all the way. I cried. I want to tell you now, I hate crying in front of people, but I do it all the time when I'm alone. So, I went with the always safe a-line skirt. BUT, I swore to myself that I would fit into that dress again... I try it on about once a month. Just to see if maybe I'm a little bit closer. But tragidy strikes when I find I STILL cannot zip it up all the way. I am centimeters, nay, millimeters from getting it zipped.
This is a lot to be put into a blog, but I would like, once a month to feature a band. If you'd like one for me to listen to, go ahead and post it, and I'll give it a listen.
Well, this is it for me today.
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye and peace out.